There's that damn moveable magazine rack again!

Here's a puzzling little oddity that has come up in my research.

In this clipping from Furniture Retailer and Furniture Age, October 10, 1956 we see the first appearance of a moveable magazine rack designed by Paul McCobb.

For the longest time I thought it was a one off made exclusively for the American Rayon Institute room until I came across this Photo in Look Magazine.

Look Magazine's December 23, 1958 p. 80

"book tree" (below, left), shown with it's creator
furniture designer Paul McCobb, will soon go
into production. It was designed by McCobb "for
the man who likes to read on the run."

And then again in House & Garden's, January 1959 "Forecast 1959" page.

So what ever happened to it? Did it ever actually go into production? If so, who would the manufacturer have been, and how many (if any) were sold?

Have you seen this book rack?


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